3 Tips For Using Your Influence To Build A Lifestyle Brand



BrownGirlsLove Power Day is about empowering you with resources and encouragement so that you can kick off your 2017 with power! One of your biggest resources is your influence! We tapped Power Day speaker, model, blogger, and beauty entrepreneur Africa Miranda to share three tips on how she converted her significant social influence into a complete lifestyle brand. Africa just recently launched a beauty elixir and she has more on the way. Here’s what she had to say about building a lifestyle brand:

1. Pay attention to what content/information your audience responds to and build off of that. We can get so caught up in how we see ourselves that we miss out on what is actually having an impact with our audience. Connection = influence. So make sure to connect!


2. Stay true to your message. It is easy to get distracted by what the next blogger/influencer/personality is doing. You can’t chase trends or styles if you want longevity. A successful lifestyle brand is the result of consistent and authentic content. So be yourself! I promise somebody will love it!


3. Quality is key. If you rush or skimp when creating, it will show. Invest in crucial tools like continuing your education, and updated equipment. I can’t stress enough the need to invest in yourself on all levels personally and professionally. If you want to be taken seriously, “getting by” won’t cut it. Make the sacrifice now so you can enjoy the success later.


Africa has been busy creating quality content including how-to videos that welcome you to the glow of Beauty by Africa Miranda that are coming soon!  She’ll be sharing that and more with you shortly so keep looking out for her next year!

Want more tips on how to turn your influence into a lifestyle brand and business so that you can make the most of your 2017? Join us on January 7th for the 2nd annual BrownGirlsLove Power Day!


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